Berikut ini adalah ringkasan dari penerapan knowledge management (KM) di bank Mandiri:
- Memiliki 3 hal yaitu KM goal (tujuan KM yang jelas), KM Plan (rencana kerja yang jelas) dan Implementasi KM (aktivitas yang selaras dengan rencana dan menjabarkan implementasi dari KM Roadmap/KM Program)
- Mengintegrasikan KM dengan budaya perusahaan.
Cari tahu budaya perusahaan sehingga poin-poin yang akan diterapkan di KM selaras dengan budaya
- Gunakan sistem reward.
Misal sistem reward untuk penilaian bagi unit kerja atau karyawan terbaik. Penilaian harus bisa terukur dan spesifik. Penerapan KM dapat menjadi poin penilaian (poin learning culture). Bagi para karyawan, penilaian KM meliputi komponen acquisition (e-learning, belajar dan seminar), storage (menulis dan bikin ide), distribution (membagikan hasil pelajaran ke orang lain) dan implementation (penerapan praktis).
- Kembangkan budaya belajar yang berkesinambungan
Membangun kebiasaan belajar memerlukan waktu yang lama dan proses yang tidak singkat. Pada tahap awal dilakukan knowledge management awareness dan mensosialisasikannya kepada para pimpinan terlebih dahulu. Kemudian kembangkan budaya sharing dari pelatihan yang didapat, terutama dari pimpinan kepada unit kerjanya masing-masing. Sharing diskusi dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan milis ataupun grup chat atau media social lainnya berdasarkan kebutuhan
- Bangun sistem aplikasi KM
Organisasi perlu memiliki sistem dan infrastruktur KM yang mudah diakses oleh setiap orang dengan user IDnya masing-masing. Kemudahan penggunaan sistem KM membuat setiap orang dapat belajar sesuai dengan ritmenya masing-masing.
- Implementasikan yang telah dipelajari
Melakukan yang telah dipelajari memberikan dampak yang paling besar daripada hanya sekadar mempelajari saja. Semakin pengetahuan dipraktekkan, semakin banyak diperoleh best practice yang dapat dikembangkan dan dibagikan kepada orang lain. Hal in memerlukan komitmen dari top - down level dan juga komunikasi dua arah, sehingga terjadi tukar menukar informasi yang semakin memperluas area KM tersebut.
- Gunakan KM Assessment untuk mengukur perkembangan KM, seperti:
a. MAKE (Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises)
Suatu studi yang dilakukan setiap tahun yang mengukur seberapa besar suatu organisasi dikagumi masyarakat untuk menjadi organisasi berbasis pengetahuan, atau Knowledge Enterprise. MAKE Study ini meliputi 8 kriteria: Kepemimpinan, budaya perusahaan, knowledge sharing dan kolaborasi, intellectual capital management, customer knowledge, inovasi, dan seberapa besar nilai tambah yang diberikan bagi perusahaan. MAKE Assessment merupakan suatu metode pengukuran dengan berbasis pada 8 kriteria tersebut. Selain memotret kondisi saat ini, alat ini juga membantu perusahaan dalam memformulasikan strategi agar dapat menjadi Knowledge Enterprises.
b. Collaborative Climate Survey (CCS)
Instrumen hasil penelitian Hanken School of Economics, Finlandia dengan Queensland University of Technology, Australia, yang memperlihatkan bagaimana pengetahuan di suatu organisasi dapat mengalir secara efektif dan berpengaruh terhadap penciptaan nilai (value creation). Survei ini difokuskan pada empat faktor yang menggerakkan aliran pengetahuan dalam organisasi: Employee Attitude, Work Group Support, Immediate Supervisor, dan Organizational Culture.
c. Intangible Asset Monitoring (IAM).
Metode yang mengukur pengaruh intangible assets terhadap kinerja organisasi dengan menggunakan 3 pilar : People Competence, Internal Process, dan External Structure. Pengukuran dibuat berdasarkan empat faktor utama dalam organisasi: Growth, Innovation/Renewal, Efficiency dan Risk. Dari hasil pengukuran ini, organisasi dapat memetakan sejauh mana peran intangible assets saat ini dan sisi mana yang perlu dioptimalkan.
Last click: 11 Jan 2011
Further contact: or follow me @marihut_donna
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, May 31, 2010
20 Tips for Successful Project Management
The Top Twenty List
Twenty items may seem like a lot, but I’ve actually made five short lists: one for project planning, one for applying the nine knowledge areas, one for doing, one for using stages and gates, and one for following through.
Four key planning points:
1.Do the right project. Using benefit cost analysis or ROI, and looking at opportunity cost, look at the project that gives you the biggest value for your effort and is most aligned with your company’s strategy, moving you in the direction you want to go.
2.Define scope clearly and precisely.
3.Plan the whole project. Make a plan for each of the nine areas.
4.Do good architecture. Work with words and pictures to bring people with different perspectives onto the same page, contributing to and committed to the project.
Prepare your team in just two steps:
5.Get the right team. Using the WBS, define the skills needed, and get people with those skills. Be honest about gaps, and close them by taking time to learn to get it done right.
6.Get the expertise you need. Know that being expert in one area means not being expert in other areas—sometimes closely related disciplines. Recognize that project, being unique work, require learning from and collaborating with experts. Remember, hiring experts you can work with is less expensive than not hiring experts you can work with.
Cover all the bases with the nine knowledge areas:
7.Scope. After defining scope clearly, teach the cost of changes to reduce change requests, then manage all changes, adding to the project only when it is essential.
8.Time and cost. Use unbiased, accurate estimation techniques. Set up systems to gather, track, and analyze time and cost information, so you can keep them under control
9.Quality. Focus on quality at all three levels to ensure value. At the technical level, trace requirements and design checking and testing throughout the project to reduce errors. Then design a test bed, and implement the tests. At the project level, work to prevent error, then find and eliminate the errors that slipped through. Do as much testing as you can as early as you can. Allow time for rework and retesting to ensure you’ve eliminated errors without letting new ones creep in. At the business level, include customers in testing, and remember that the goals are customer delight and added value.
10.Risk. Plan for uncertainty; prepare for the unexpected. Perform risk management with your team every week of the project.
11.Human Resources. Help each team member step up in self-management and technical expertise. Teach everyone PDCA so that they can improve. Then teach them to work together, until you have a great team of great people.
12.Procurement. Get the supplies and resources you need. If your project involves contracts, be sure to keep the contracts in alignment with project value and specifications, not just generally associated with goals and work.
13.Communications. Have a communications plan, and follow it so that you are in touch with all stakeholders throughout the project. Make sure everyone knows what they need to know to make decisions and get work done. Analyze status information to create status reports. Be prompt and decisive.
14.Integration. Constantly direct corrective action. Evaluate all events that could change the project schedule, and all scope change requests. Review the effects of any change on all nine areas before making a decision, and then implement a revised plan with rebaselining.
Twenty items may seem like a lot, but I’ve actually made five short lists: one for project planning, one for applying the nine knowledge areas, one for doing, one for using stages and gates, and one for following through.
Four key planning points:
1.Do the right project. Using benefit cost analysis or ROI, and looking at opportunity cost, look at the project that gives you the biggest value for your effort and is most aligned with your company’s strategy, moving you in the direction you want to go.
2.Define scope clearly and precisely.
3.Plan the whole project. Make a plan for each of the nine areas.
4.Do good architecture. Work with words and pictures to bring people with different perspectives onto the same page, contributing to and committed to the project.
Prepare your team in just two steps:
5.Get the right team. Using the WBS, define the skills needed, and get people with those skills. Be honest about gaps, and close them by taking time to learn to get it done right.
6.Get the expertise you need. Know that being expert in one area means not being expert in other areas—sometimes closely related disciplines. Recognize that project, being unique work, require learning from and collaborating with experts. Remember, hiring experts you can work with is less expensive than not hiring experts you can work with.
Cover all the bases with the nine knowledge areas:
7.Scope. After defining scope clearly, teach the cost of changes to reduce change requests, then manage all changes, adding to the project only when it is essential.
8.Time and cost. Use unbiased, accurate estimation techniques. Set up systems to gather, track, and analyze time and cost information, so you can keep them under control
9.Quality. Focus on quality at all three levels to ensure value. At the technical level, trace requirements and design checking and testing throughout the project to reduce errors. Then design a test bed, and implement the tests. At the project level, work to prevent error, then find and eliminate the errors that slipped through. Do as much testing as you can as early as you can. Allow time for rework and retesting to ensure you’ve eliminated errors without letting new ones creep in. At the business level, include customers in testing, and remember that the goals are customer delight and added value.
10.Risk. Plan for uncertainty; prepare for the unexpected. Perform risk management with your team every week of the project.
11.Human Resources. Help each team member step up in self-management and technical expertise. Teach everyone PDCA so that they can improve. Then teach them to work together, until you have a great team of great people.
12.Procurement. Get the supplies and resources you need. If your project involves contracts, be sure to keep the contracts in alignment with project value and specifications, not just generally associated with goals and work.
13.Communications. Have a communications plan, and follow it so that you are in touch with all stakeholders throughout the project. Make sure everyone knows what they need to know to make decisions and get work done. Analyze status information to create status reports. Be prompt and decisive.
14.Integration. Constantly direct corrective action. Evaluate all events that could change the project schedule, and all scope change requests. Review the effects of any change on all nine areas before making a decision, and then implement a revised plan with rebaselining.
Hasil Survey Gaji Project Manager
Berawal dari sebuah tawaran pekerjaan, saya melakukan survey dadakan untuk mengetahui berapakah gaji yang pantas untuk seorang Project Manager. Dari hasil survey ini saya mendapatkan bahwa rata-rata gaji Project Manager adalah US$ 82,623.68 pertahun. Menurut saya angka ini cukup bisa diterima sebagai rata-rata gaji Project Manager di negara maju, karena memang data-datanya diambil dari 3 negara yaitu Amerika Serikat, Inggris, dan Australia. Di Kanada tempat saya saat ini bekerja menurut saya angka ini juga cukup mewakili sebagai perkiraan kasar. Kira-kira di Indonesia dan Asia bagaimana ya?
Namanya juga survey dadakan, jadi metode yang dipakai dalam survey ini mungkin kurang ilmiah. Survey saya lakukan dengan cara mencari hasil survey yang dilakukan oleh surveyor lain melalui google. Dari hasil pencarian ini saya menemukan 10 sites yang menyajikan data hasil survey mereka secara gratis. Validitas data-data ini saya rasa cukup valid setelah membandingkan satu sama lain. Data-data tersebut kemudian saya rata-ratakan untuk mendapatkan nilai rata-rata gaji Project Manager.
Perlu diketahui pada saat saya melakukan pencarian saya menngunakan tanpa mem-filter berdasarkan negara. Sepuluh data pertama yang saya ambil berasal dari 3 negara yaitu Amerika Serikat, Inggris, dan Australia. Berikut ini tabel hasil survey yang saya lakukan.
Pengalaman Mendapatkan Sertifikasi PMP
Bagi anda yang telah lama berkecimpung dalam dunia Project Management tentunya telah mengetahui apa itu PMP. PMP atau Project Management Professional adalah sertifikasi Project Management yang dikeluarkan oleh PMI alias Project Management Institute, sebuah lembaga independent yang bermarkas di Pennsylvania, Amerika Serikat. PMP diakui secara luas oleh dunia industri di seluruh belahan dunia sebagai standard untuk kualifikasi Project Management.
Untuk menjaga kualitas sertifikasi PMP, PMI sangat ketat dalam mengeluarkan sertifikasi ini. Hal ini terlihat dari ujian sertifikasi dan proses seleksi kandidat yang sangat ketat. Berikut ini adalah pengalaman saya saat mendapatkan sertifikasi PMP. Pengalaman ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Inggris karena waktu itu saya jadikan laporan untuk atasan saya yang waktu itu membayar biaya training dan ujian sertifikasi PMP. Saya daur ulang di blog ini dengan tujuan bagi mereka yang ingin mengambil sertifikasi PMP bisa mengambil pelajaran dari pengalaman saya ini. Selamat menikmati.
1. PMP Exam Preparation Training
The story was began on January 2008 when I decided to take PMP Exam Preparation training as part of my preparation strategy to get PMP certification. I explained this to my Manager, that gave his support with condition that I should coordinate with PSO team leader. Later on, PSO also agreed with the training.
After comparing some training providers for PMP Exam Preparation training, I choose PMTI ( and I’m very satisfied with the choice. Below are some key benefits from this training.
a. Template for PMP Exam Registration
PMP Exam registration is involving many online forms that need us to enter detail information of our Project Management experiences. The information that need to be provided is not only summary such as date, contract person, organization, etc, but also detail information about project management activities of each project such as how many hours we conducted project selection methods in Initiation process for project A, how many hours we conducted risk identification in Planning process for project B, etc.
Below is an example of the online form that we need to complete during PMP Exam registration.
PMTI provided a template that helps a lot to organize our PM experience in such a way that match with online forms that we need to fill during PMP Exam registration. 4500 hours of PM experiences are needed for university bachelor graduate, or 7500 hours of PM experiences are needed for non-university graduate to register PMP Exam.
b. Free Online Training
While we were waiting for the training, we can take 40 hours online training for free. This online training will give us basic PM knowledge as perquisite for PMP Exam Preparation training. We can also use this 40 hours training as PM education hours during PMP Exam registration. Minimum 35 hours of PM education are needed for PMP Exam registration.
c. Key Sheet
Key sheet is a piece of paper that contains of the key information of all PM knowledge. Key sheet works like a brain map. All students had to memorize all the information in this key sheet with the objective that we can create the key sheet during the exam. I found this key sheet is very useful. It was like having PMBOK in my hand during the exam.
d. Total 600 questions
Everyday we took 100 questions, 30 questions in the morning before the class started at 8:00 AM and 70 questions before the class ended at 6:30 PM. On the last day we took final exam that consisted of 200 questions
e. Guarantee as Motivation
PMTI will pay for the second PMP Exam if we failed the first one. If we failed on the second exam, PMTI will refund the training fee. This guarantee will only work with condition that we can memorize the key sheet and passed the 600 question with score at least 60%. We are required to sign a letter of agreement. We were also required to take the PMP Exam not more than 14 days after the PMP Exam Preparation training.
This rule became motivation for the students to memorize the key sheet and passed the 600 question with score at least 60%.
2. PMP Exam Registration
a. PMP Exam Fee
PMP Exam fee is $405 for PMI member and $555 for non member. The membership fee is $129. All in US Dollar.
I decided to join PMI membership to get lower fee plus the other benefits such as free online seminars, free magazines, free articles, etc. PMI membership is good for 1 year and can be renewed in year basis.
b. Eligibility
To be eligible for PMP Exam, someone has to have:
1. 35 hours PM Education
2. 4500 hours PM experience for someone with bachelor degree or 7500 hours PM experience for someone without bachelor degree
c. PMP Exam Registration Forms
In these online forms , we need to complete all information about personal data (address, organization, etc), PM education, and PM experiences. Thanks to PMTI templates, I can complete these forms without having any problems.
After we complete all the forms and submit them, PMI will then process the application. In 5 working days, PMI will send notification if the application is accepted or not. If the application is accepted, we can choose any date until the next year to take the examination.
d. PMI Audit
PMI randomly selects some of PMP Exam applicants for PMI audit. After I completed my PMP Exam registration form, I received a notification from PMI that I got selected for PMI Audit.
Below are the information that were audited by PMI.
1. PM Experiences
PMI will send some PDF files based on PM experiences that we entered during PMP Exam registration. We will need to send these files to the specific contact persons that we entered on the online registration forms. These persons will need to print the files, review the information, approve or reject the information, sign the forms, put it in sealed and signed envelope, and send them back to applicants (all in hard papers document).
2. PM Education
Copy of certificate will be required to proof our PM education hours.
3. Proof of Bachelor Degree
Copy of certificate will be required as proof of bachelor degree. In my case, PMI also requested for Transcript document because my certificate is not in English.
After all of the documents above are completed, we can send them to PMI headquarter in US. PMI will then send notification if our audit is passed or not.
3. PMP Exam
a. Booking the Exam
fter I passed PMI Audit, PMI sent me a notification with PMI Identification Code. With this code, I can go to prometric at to select the available exam date and location. I selected exam location in London – Ontario because the all test location in Winnipeg and Toronto were already fully booked.
Prometric will send confirmation email with confirmation number that need to be printed.
b. The Exam
The exam was very strict. We need to show confirmation email from Prometric and notification email from PMI, plus 2 ID’s with photo that issued by government. Prometric will provide 5 blank papers, very simple calculator, and 2 pencils. There was about 10 PC’s in the room with some cameras which are recorded.
Before the exam was began, there was 15 minutes time to read the instruction. I used 5 minutes to read the instruction and 10 minutes to create the key sheet.
The test was automatically started after 15 minutes. There were 200 questions that need to be answered in 4 hours. After 4 hours, the exam was automatically stopped. A quick survey was then popped up before the exam result was displayed.
c. Exam’s Material
More than 60% of the exam’s material is from PMBOK that covers all 5 PM Process (Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Control, Closing) and 9 Knowledge Area (Integration, Time, Scope, Cost, Quality, Risk, Procurement, HR, Communication) plus PM Professional Responsibility as defined in PMI Code of Conduct.
Other material is coming from other sources that related with PM practice. More than 80% of all the materials were covered by PMTI PMP Exam Preparation training.
dikutip dari
Untuk menjaga kualitas sertifikasi PMP, PMI sangat ketat dalam mengeluarkan sertifikasi ini. Hal ini terlihat dari ujian sertifikasi dan proses seleksi kandidat yang sangat ketat. Berikut ini adalah pengalaman saya saat mendapatkan sertifikasi PMP. Pengalaman ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Inggris karena waktu itu saya jadikan laporan untuk atasan saya yang waktu itu membayar biaya training dan ujian sertifikasi PMP. Saya daur ulang di blog ini dengan tujuan bagi mereka yang ingin mengambil sertifikasi PMP bisa mengambil pelajaran dari pengalaman saya ini. Selamat menikmati.
1. PMP Exam Preparation Training
The story was began on January 2008 when I decided to take PMP Exam Preparation training as part of my preparation strategy to get PMP certification. I explained this to my Manager, that gave his support with condition that I should coordinate with PSO team leader. Later on, PSO also agreed with the training.
After comparing some training providers for PMP Exam Preparation training, I choose PMTI ( and I’m very satisfied with the choice. Below are some key benefits from this training.
a. Template for PMP Exam Registration
PMP Exam registration is involving many online forms that need us to enter detail information of our Project Management experiences. The information that need to be provided is not only summary such as date, contract person, organization, etc, but also detail information about project management activities of each project such as how many hours we conducted project selection methods in Initiation process for project A, how many hours we conducted risk identification in Planning process for project B, etc.
Below is an example of the online form that we need to complete during PMP Exam registration.
PMTI provided a template that helps a lot to organize our PM experience in such a way that match with online forms that we need to fill during PMP Exam registration. 4500 hours of PM experiences are needed for university bachelor graduate, or 7500 hours of PM experiences are needed for non-university graduate to register PMP Exam.
b. Free Online Training
While we were waiting for the training, we can take 40 hours online training for free. This online training will give us basic PM knowledge as perquisite for PMP Exam Preparation training. We can also use this 40 hours training as PM education hours during PMP Exam registration. Minimum 35 hours of PM education are needed for PMP Exam registration.
c. Key Sheet
Key sheet is a piece of paper that contains of the key information of all PM knowledge. Key sheet works like a brain map. All students had to memorize all the information in this key sheet with the objective that we can create the key sheet during the exam. I found this key sheet is very useful. It was like having PMBOK in my hand during the exam.
d. Total 600 questions
Everyday we took 100 questions, 30 questions in the morning before the class started at 8:00 AM and 70 questions before the class ended at 6:30 PM. On the last day we took final exam that consisted of 200 questions
e. Guarantee as Motivation
PMTI will pay for the second PMP Exam if we failed the first one. If we failed on the second exam, PMTI will refund the training fee. This guarantee will only work with condition that we can memorize the key sheet and passed the 600 question with score at least 60%. We are required to sign a letter of agreement. We were also required to take the PMP Exam not more than 14 days after the PMP Exam Preparation training.
This rule became motivation for the students to memorize the key sheet and passed the 600 question with score at least 60%.
2. PMP Exam Registration
a. PMP Exam Fee
PMP Exam fee is $405 for PMI member and $555 for non member. The membership fee is $129. All in US Dollar.
I decided to join PMI membership to get lower fee plus the other benefits such as free online seminars, free magazines, free articles, etc. PMI membership is good for 1 year and can be renewed in year basis.
b. Eligibility
To be eligible for PMP Exam, someone has to have:
1. 35 hours PM Education
2. 4500 hours PM experience for someone with bachelor degree or 7500 hours PM experience for someone without bachelor degree
c. PMP Exam Registration Forms
In these online forms , we need to complete all information about personal data (address, organization, etc), PM education, and PM experiences. Thanks to PMTI templates, I can complete these forms without having any problems.
After we complete all the forms and submit them, PMI will then process the application. In 5 working days, PMI will send notification if the application is accepted or not. If the application is accepted, we can choose any date until the next year to take the examination.
d. PMI Audit
PMI randomly selects some of PMP Exam applicants for PMI audit. After I completed my PMP Exam registration form, I received a notification from PMI that I got selected for PMI Audit.
Below are the information that were audited by PMI.
1. PM Experiences
PMI will send some PDF files based on PM experiences that we entered during PMP Exam registration. We will need to send these files to the specific contact persons that we entered on the online registration forms. These persons will need to print the files, review the information, approve or reject the information, sign the forms, put it in sealed and signed envelope, and send them back to applicants (all in hard papers document).
2. PM Education
Copy of certificate will be required to proof our PM education hours.
3. Proof of Bachelor Degree
Copy of certificate will be required as proof of bachelor degree. In my case, PMI also requested for Transcript document because my certificate is not in English.
After all of the documents above are completed, we can send them to PMI headquarter in US. PMI will then send notification if our audit is passed or not.
3. PMP Exam
a. Booking the Exam
fter I passed PMI Audit, PMI sent me a notification with PMI Identification Code. With this code, I can go to prometric at to select the available exam date and location. I selected exam location in London – Ontario because the all test location in Winnipeg and Toronto were already fully booked.
Prometric will send confirmation email with confirmation number that need to be printed.
b. The Exam
The exam was very strict. We need to show confirmation email from Prometric and notification email from PMI, plus 2 ID’s with photo that issued by government. Prometric will provide 5 blank papers, very simple calculator, and 2 pencils. There was about 10 PC’s in the room with some cameras which are recorded.
Before the exam was began, there was 15 minutes time to read the instruction. I used 5 minutes to read the instruction and 10 minutes to create the key sheet.
The test was automatically started after 15 minutes. There were 200 questions that need to be answered in 4 hours. After 4 hours, the exam was automatically stopped. A quick survey was then popped up before the exam result was displayed.
c. Exam’s Material
More than 60% of the exam’s material is from PMBOK that covers all 5 PM Process (Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Control, Closing) and 9 Knowledge Area (Integration, Time, Scope, Cost, Quality, Risk, Procurement, HR, Communication) plus PM Professional Responsibility as defined in PMI Code of Conduct.
Other material is coming from other sources that related with PM practice. More than 80% of all the materials were covered by PMTI PMP Exam Preparation training.
dikutip dari
Definisi Project Management
Secara tradisional Manajemen Proyek dilihat sebagai perencanaan, penjadwalan dan pengendalian proyek untuk memenuhi tujuan proyek tersebut.
Memanajemeni proyek sangat berbeda dengan memanajemeni perusahaan yang memproduksi barang konsumsi. Proyek mempunyai awal dan akhir yang jelas, sedangkan perusahaan tersebut secara berkesinambungan berproduksi.
"Project Management is the application of a collection of tools and techniques to direct the use of diverse resources towards the accomplishment of a unique, complex, one-time task within time, cost and quality constraints. Each task requires a particular mix of these tools, techniques and structures to fit the task environtment and life-cycle of the task." - Morris & Huogh, 1987.
Manajemen proyek adalah proses dimana tim bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk yang sesuai atau melebihi permintaan dari pemberi tugas di dalam jangka waktu tertentu dan biasanya berada di dalam batasan sumber daya tertentu.
Manajemen terhadap suatu proyek, perlu :
Ditentukan tujuan akhir proyek secara tegas dan jelas.
Diindentifikasi semua kegiatan yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai tujuan akhir tersebut.
Dinyatakan dan ditentukan kaitannya dan pembatasan-pembatasan diantara kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut termasuk kaitan-kaitan serta pembatasan baik yang bersifat teknis maupun organisatoris.
Diperhitungkan waktu dan biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakannya sampai proyek itu selesai.
Mengadakan optimasi dalam pengalokasian penggunaan sumberdaya.
Diusahakan adanya fleksibilitas dalam pelaksanaan proyek.
Manajemen proyek diadakan untuk selalu dapat memegang kendali terhadap proyek, sedemikian rupa sehingga proyek :
Dapat diselesaikan dengan memenuhi kualitas yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang ditentukan.
Dapat diselenggarakan dalam batas (target) waktu serta jadwal yang telah ditetapkan.
Dapat diselesaikan dengan biaya yang serendah-rendahnya (sesuai dengan Rencana Anggaran Pelaksanaan).
Memanajemeni proyek sangat berbeda dengan memanajemeni perusahaan yang memproduksi barang konsumsi. Proyek mempunyai awal dan akhir yang jelas, sedangkan perusahaan tersebut secara berkesinambungan berproduksi.
"Project Management is the application of a collection of tools and techniques to direct the use of diverse resources towards the accomplishment of a unique, complex, one-time task within time, cost and quality constraints. Each task requires a particular mix of these tools, techniques and structures to fit the task environtment and life-cycle of the task." - Morris & Huogh, 1987.
Manajemen proyek adalah proses dimana tim bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk yang sesuai atau melebihi permintaan dari pemberi tugas di dalam jangka waktu tertentu dan biasanya berada di dalam batasan sumber daya tertentu.
Manajemen terhadap suatu proyek, perlu :
Ditentukan tujuan akhir proyek secara tegas dan jelas.
Diindentifikasi semua kegiatan yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai tujuan akhir tersebut.
Dinyatakan dan ditentukan kaitannya dan pembatasan-pembatasan diantara kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut termasuk kaitan-kaitan serta pembatasan baik yang bersifat teknis maupun organisatoris.
Diperhitungkan waktu dan biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakannya sampai proyek itu selesai.
Mengadakan optimasi dalam pengalokasian penggunaan sumberdaya.
Diusahakan adanya fleksibilitas dalam pelaksanaan proyek.
Manajemen proyek diadakan untuk selalu dapat memegang kendali terhadap proyek, sedemikian rupa sehingga proyek :
Dapat diselesaikan dengan memenuhi kualitas yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang ditentukan.
Dapat diselenggarakan dalam batas (target) waktu serta jadwal yang telah ditetapkan.
Dapat diselesaikan dengan biaya yang serendah-rendahnya (sesuai dengan Rencana Anggaran Pelaksanaan).
Malcolm Baldrige Award dan Keunggulan Kinerja Bisnis
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award adalah sejenis penghargaan tahunan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat (melalui Department of Commerce) kepada setiap organisasi di negara USA – baik profit dan non profit – yang dianggap mencapai kinerja yang unggul nan ekselen.
Nama Malcolm Baldrige sendiri diambil dari nama mantan Menteri Perdagangan AS yang menginisiasi kegiatan penghargaan ini. Sejak diperkenalkan pada tahun 1988, penghargaan tahunan ini telah memberikan kontiribusi yang signifikan bagi peningkatan mutu dan kinerja bisnis beragam perusahaan disana.
Seiring dengan hal itu, banyak negara di berbagai belahan dunia yang mengadopsi pendekatan dan kriteria yang digunakan oleh Komite Malcolm Baldrige untuk mengukur keunggulan kinerja. Kriteria yang mereka gunakan dikenal juga sebagai 7 Pilar Malcolm Baldrige. Dan jika diamati, tujuh kriteria ini memang sangat berperan dalam menentukan maju mundurnya sebuah organisasi (baik organisasi bisnis maupun organisasi publik).
Dalam tulisan ringkas kali ini, kita akan membincangkan 7 pilar atau kriteria Malcolm Baldrige tersebut.
Pilar yang pertama adalah Leadership. Kriteria ini ingin melihat bagaimana para leader di organisasi Anda menampilkan kapasitasnya : bagaimana mereka menetapkan visi dan tujuan organisasi; dan kemudian mengkomunikasikannya kepada setiap anggota. Juga apakah leaders di organisasi Anda memiliki kecakapan untuk mengelola dan menginspirasi anak buahnya untuk mencapai keunggulan kinerja. Coba sekarang pikirkan sejenak : kira-kira bagaimana mutu leadership para atasan atau bos di kantor Anda? Sudah oke dan berkelas dunia, atau yah…..boss saya kok begini sih……
Pilar kedua : Strategic Planning. Kriteria ini mau melihat bagaimana proses perumusan strategi ditetapkan dilingkungan kantor Anda. Dan yang tak kalah penting : apakah konten strategi itu secara tepat merespon dinamika perubahan lingkungan bisnis? Jadi kira-kira apa strategi yang telah ditetapkan oleh kantor Anda sekarang? Jangan-jangan Anda sendiri ndak pernah “ngeh” dengan peta strategi di kantor Anda. Doh.
Pilar ketiga : Customer Focus. Apakah produk dan layanan yang disediakan oleh organisasi Anda sudah mak nyuss? Atau hanya bermutu ala kadarnya? Apakah produk atau layanan yang dibentangkan oleh kantor Anda selalu segar nan inovatif; dan membuat para pelanggan bisa tersenyum riang? Atau sebaliknya : selalu menebarkan ketidak-andalan dan kualitas yang pas-pasan?
Pilar keempat : Performance Measurement. Apakah setiap leaders di tempat Anda sudah memiliki key performance indicators (KPI) yang jelas dan terukur? Dan apakah key indicators itu selalu direview secara periodik untuk melihat progress dan mengambil corrective action (jika targetnya meleset)? Pengelolaan kinerja dengan indikator yang jelas merupakan salah satu tanda munculnya performance-based culture yang kuat di sebuah organisasi.
Pilar kelima : People Focus. Seberapa jauh perhatian dan komitmen manajemen organisasi Anda terhadap pengembangan mutu SDM-nya? Elemen ini juga mau melihat apakah organisasi telah memberikan skema reward yang fair dan atraktif kepada segenap anggotanya. Kontribusi angggota yang melejit hanya akan merebak jika sebuah organisasi punya kebjiakan people focus yang solid dan konsisten.
Pilar keenam : Process Management. Kriteria ini mau mengukur bagaimana kantor Anda mendesain dan mengelola proses kerja kunci? Apakah setiap alur proses sudah didesain dengan ramping dan efisien? Atau masih banyak proses kerja yang terlalu birokratis, tidak saling terkoordinasi dengan baik, dan justru menimbulkan banyak silang sengketa diantara berbagai bagian/departemen?
Pilar yang ketuju atau yang terakhir : Result. Pilar yang ketuju ini mau melihat bagaimana hasil akhir kinerja organisasi : apakah makin kompetitif, makin efektif, dan makin mengkilap kinerja seluruh aspek organisasinya?
Melalui 7 pilar diatas kita bisa menakar dimana level kinerja organisasi Anda. 7 Pilar ini juga sangat membantu jika sebuah organisasi hendak melakukan proses transformasi menuju ke arah yang lebih menjulang. Artinya, 7 kriteria diatas dapat digunakan sebagai peta, sebagai roadmap, jika organisasi Anda hendak merumuskan action plan-nya.
Karena itu segeralah bertindak : diskusikan 7 pilar diatas dengan segenap jajaran manajemen di kantor Anda. Segera susun action plan, dan buat rencana implementasinya.
Dan oh ya, jika kantor Anda membutuhkan sparring partner untuk penerapan action plan tersebut, jangan segan-segan mengundang saya sebagai narasumber…..:):)
Photo credit by : DanielKHC
Nama Malcolm Baldrige sendiri diambil dari nama mantan Menteri Perdagangan AS yang menginisiasi kegiatan penghargaan ini. Sejak diperkenalkan pada tahun 1988, penghargaan tahunan ini telah memberikan kontiribusi yang signifikan bagi peningkatan mutu dan kinerja bisnis beragam perusahaan disana.
Seiring dengan hal itu, banyak negara di berbagai belahan dunia yang mengadopsi pendekatan dan kriteria yang digunakan oleh Komite Malcolm Baldrige untuk mengukur keunggulan kinerja. Kriteria yang mereka gunakan dikenal juga sebagai 7 Pilar Malcolm Baldrige. Dan jika diamati, tujuh kriteria ini memang sangat berperan dalam menentukan maju mundurnya sebuah organisasi (baik organisasi bisnis maupun organisasi publik).
Dalam tulisan ringkas kali ini, kita akan membincangkan 7 pilar atau kriteria Malcolm Baldrige tersebut.
Pilar yang pertama adalah Leadership. Kriteria ini ingin melihat bagaimana para leader di organisasi Anda menampilkan kapasitasnya : bagaimana mereka menetapkan visi dan tujuan organisasi; dan kemudian mengkomunikasikannya kepada setiap anggota. Juga apakah leaders di organisasi Anda memiliki kecakapan untuk mengelola dan menginspirasi anak buahnya untuk mencapai keunggulan kinerja. Coba sekarang pikirkan sejenak : kira-kira bagaimana mutu leadership para atasan atau bos di kantor Anda? Sudah oke dan berkelas dunia, atau yah…..boss saya kok begini sih……
Pilar kedua : Strategic Planning. Kriteria ini mau melihat bagaimana proses perumusan strategi ditetapkan dilingkungan kantor Anda. Dan yang tak kalah penting : apakah konten strategi itu secara tepat merespon dinamika perubahan lingkungan bisnis? Jadi kira-kira apa strategi yang telah ditetapkan oleh kantor Anda sekarang? Jangan-jangan Anda sendiri ndak pernah “ngeh” dengan peta strategi di kantor Anda. Doh.
Pilar ketiga : Customer Focus. Apakah produk dan layanan yang disediakan oleh organisasi Anda sudah mak nyuss? Atau hanya bermutu ala kadarnya? Apakah produk atau layanan yang dibentangkan oleh kantor Anda selalu segar nan inovatif; dan membuat para pelanggan bisa tersenyum riang? Atau sebaliknya : selalu menebarkan ketidak-andalan dan kualitas yang pas-pasan?
Pilar keempat : Performance Measurement. Apakah setiap leaders di tempat Anda sudah memiliki key performance indicators (KPI) yang jelas dan terukur? Dan apakah key indicators itu selalu direview secara periodik untuk melihat progress dan mengambil corrective action (jika targetnya meleset)? Pengelolaan kinerja dengan indikator yang jelas merupakan salah satu tanda munculnya performance-based culture yang kuat di sebuah organisasi.
Pilar kelima : People Focus. Seberapa jauh perhatian dan komitmen manajemen organisasi Anda terhadap pengembangan mutu SDM-nya? Elemen ini juga mau melihat apakah organisasi telah memberikan skema reward yang fair dan atraktif kepada segenap anggotanya. Kontribusi angggota yang melejit hanya akan merebak jika sebuah organisasi punya kebjiakan people focus yang solid dan konsisten.
Pilar keenam : Process Management. Kriteria ini mau mengukur bagaimana kantor Anda mendesain dan mengelola proses kerja kunci? Apakah setiap alur proses sudah didesain dengan ramping dan efisien? Atau masih banyak proses kerja yang terlalu birokratis, tidak saling terkoordinasi dengan baik, dan justru menimbulkan banyak silang sengketa diantara berbagai bagian/departemen?
Pilar yang ketuju atau yang terakhir : Result. Pilar yang ketuju ini mau melihat bagaimana hasil akhir kinerja organisasi : apakah makin kompetitif, makin efektif, dan makin mengkilap kinerja seluruh aspek organisasinya?
Melalui 7 pilar diatas kita bisa menakar dimana level kinerja organisasi Anda. 7 Pilar ini juga sangat membantu jika sebuah organisasi hendak melakukan proses transformasi menuju ke arah yang lebih menjulang. Artinya, 7 kriteria diatas dapat digunakan sebagai peta, sebagai roadmap, jika organisasi Anda hendak merumuskan action plan-nya.
Karena itu segeralah bertindak : diskusikan 7 pilar diatas dengan segenap jajaran manajemen di kantor Anda. Segera susun action plan, dan buat rencana implementasinya.
Dan oh ya, jika kantor Anda membutuhkan sparring partner untuk penerapan action plan tersebut, jangan segan-segan mengundang saya sebagai narasumber…..:):)
Photo credit by : DanielKHC
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